Monday, 28 March 2011

Walking Ban :-(

Well, due to severity of my blistered feet I have been advised not to walk this week to give them a chance to heal up...

Trying not to panic as I have been sticking to my training programme rigidly up until now and it goes against my nature to rest up and not try and push through the pain barrier and just get on with it! Guess I need to be sensible, although I have to say I would still not be able to walk any distance even if I could!

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Saturday, 26 March 2011

More war wounds

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Bring in the re-enforcements

Some very kind friends join me on the way :-)

Feet are just about falling off now!!

Dancing among the daffodils...

13.5miles walked!!!!

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First stop

This is my first blister stop of the day... Not looking good I'm afraid!

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Friday, 25 March 2011

Dead Beat!!

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War wounds :(


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Made it to Benmore Gardens

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On Da Boat


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First leg of the marathon complete!

On the Calmac ferry to Dunoon. Have walked 2 miles from house to ferry and met some very strange creatures on the way!! Lol

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Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Update on Visa

Had to send away my passport which I was a bit nervous about considering the time scale of things in order for my Visa to be processed, but I have to say I have been very impressed with the service and received my passport and Visa back today, so am all set to go :-)

Monday, 21 March 2011

All done :-)

That's me just back home from walking the first section of the West Highland Way. 13 miles.
Lovely day and of course beautiful scenery...
Here is a map of my route

Some more pics


Now for a hot bath then early to bed!!

Neets walks the West Highland Way!

At Paul and Susie's house

Heading off along the way...

Mad as Hatters!!

On the West Highland Route

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Sunday, 20 March 2011

Quiet Week!!

Have not posted much this week. Have been working for 7 days in a row and have been really shattered.
Walked to work and back on one occassion and also got dropped off at work and walked home on another occassion which is 2.5 miles each way.
Played badminton this week also so was not all in vain!
Tomorrow I am planning on walking the first part of the West Highland Way from Milngavie to Drymen. I am really looking forward to it and a friend Susie is walking with me which will be good company. Shall post some pictures tomorrow. I am planning on doing the Lyle Hill on Wednesday, playing badminton on Tuesday and on Friday I have another 6 hour walk which I am doing in Dunoon and then Saturday I may be attempting the Cobbler for my 8 hour walk...
Think that will be enough for one week!! Also working Tue, Wed, Thurs as well :)

Monday, 14 March 2011

Day In Bed.....

After Saturdays escapade I ended up being sick during the night so Sunday was spent in isolation recovering!! Not good for an extrovert who lives in a house with lots of people!
It did give me a chance to catch up on some much needed rest and I watched some episodes of Wild China which is a DVD that some friends got me. Was fascinating looking at the lives of those living in rural China and the industry that is ongoing there. There are such contrasts with extremes in lifestyle and weather conditions and a vast array of animals and insects etc.
Don't think much of the traditional Chinese cuisine though.. Think I might struggle a bit with some of the delicacies!!
They have a saying that they will eat anything with legs apart from a table and anything with wings apart from a plane!

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Saturday, 12 March 2011

Absolutely Shattered!!

Walked round Cumbrae again today in the freezing cold sleety rain!!!
Biggest challenge yet!!

On the way to Largs...

This is me at the wishing well...

A well earned rest at Fintry Bay...


Friday, 11 March 2011

Today's walk

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Really can't be bothered walking tonight but needs must!! :-(

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Monday, 7 March 2011

Training update

Took a different route tonight on my walk and walked up the Lyle Hill down Greave Rd along Bow road and through the Cemetry down to the bottom gate and back home just for a wee change of scenery. 3.4miles in an hour... Not bad ;)

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Trek around Millport

Walking round the Island. Neets at the Indians face

Neets arriving at Millport

Reaping my just rewards... Marshmallow ice at the Ritz Cafe

Cycling round the the Island

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Fundraising Update

Well that's us just broken through the £5,000 mark and currently sitting at a whopping 173%!!!!!

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Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Healthy Eating

To help me on my weightless journey my friend Rhian made me a delicious meal tonight which was all pointed for me from a ww cookbook. Had Lasagne followed by this delicious trifle...

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